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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Registrar continues to fail the test of quality elections

The following are excerpts from a report dated February 4, 2008 by Tom Courbat of Save-R-Vote, a voter integrity group that has been actively monitoring the lack of security and lack of integrity of voting in Riverside County for two years.

"The degree of willingness of a government to open itself up to public scrutiny and public audit foretells the quality and integrity of that government."

That yellow button on Sequoia machines allows anyone to access manual mode and then they can repeatedly cast as many votes as they want. Still no locking seal on the cap that covers the yellow button. A three cent locking seal would either prevent anyone from activating the yellow button or show evidence of tampering. There are still 720 DRE units out in the precincts, with 720 locations where a voter can cast multiple votes. What is the price of security?

When will the full-blown security audit of the Registrar of Voters office be initiated, as recommended numerous times by SAVE R VOTE ? Even the Board of Supervisor’s own Blue Ribbon Committee on July 17, 2007 recommended "Consider hiring a consultant to review the Registrar of Voters security procedures."

On February 4, 2008 - An electronic voting machine sits unguarded, transportable, alongside a counter in the reception area of a local church the night before the election. The Board of Supervisors was informed by SAVE R VOTE. The continuous and flagrant lack of security of voting machines provides numerous opportunities for loss by theft or for insertion of viruses that can rig an election.

Watch for counts to be "slow". Registrars of Voters generally have nearly unlimited budgets to hire temporary workers during and after elections. If the absentee ballot counting effort has only a few workers assigned to the task, ask your Registrar of Voters "why"? There can only be one reason – to prove their claim that without e-voting machines everything would take WAY longer.

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