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Thursday, July 31, 2008

When does life begin?

Does life begin at conception because that is when chemical processes in the cells begin? Consider for a moment that chemistry does not stop at death. Muscle chemistry continues for hours after death and hair and fingernails are reported to continue to get longer even as chemical processes decompose the body. Chemistry then cannot be our indicator of life. Secondly, life in the womb is referenced in the Bible but conception occurs in the fallopian tube - not in the womb. Compare the embryo to a pollinated plant seed blowing in the wind. Neither will develop into a life until it takes up root in the ground or womb as the case may be. All religions teach that our soul leaves the body after the heart stops. Human life then, must begin when the heart beats and God gives us our soul.

Sandra wrote:
Many thoughts in today's time has perverted ideas of "life" or may we say "viable life". So, to effectively address the question, let's ask each other this; When did my child's life begin or when did my own life begin? Without conception and the fertilized egg, none of us would exist. Life begins with conception. Shouldn't the question be - At what point should we respect life or not respect life? Or, when is life viable. As, for me I consider all life valuable even at the most vulnerable embryonic stage.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Requested: Interview with a Christ

By Linda Joy Crutcher
What is your name and what is the purpose of this interview? My name is Light on All Levels. The purpose for this interview is to educate and help people understand the whys of being.
Are you like Jesus Christ? I am like Jesus the Christ, as we all are. I am not demonstrating that likeness, as I am still seeking to manifest the perfection that I am. The Christ level of consciousness is inherent to all men. Some are more aware of this connection than others.
How would you explain your human expression? My physical self is one dimension of the god that I am. I am focusing my awareness in the frequency of the third dimension, or physical plane, and experiencing myself as a physical being. You have heard it before; I am spirit playing at being human.
Why be human? Being human teaches us more of what God is. In this experience of physical awareness, we completely separate the consciousness from our Source, creating duality. The experience is one of integrating our consciousness of physical separateness with God and creating heaven on earth. Christ Jesus, the man, lived on earth in the consciousness or dimension of the Christ. He was the God Man. The Christ is a level of consciousness inherent to all of mankind. Even the Bible tells us, "Ye are Christs."
Do you know the purpose of this planet – I mean what are we doing here? This is a new and awesome experiment in the Cosmos. We are here to experience physical God. We are here to emotionalize, or feel, God’s energy. We get to have free will and be physical gods. We can create or destroy. We can empower God’s energy in any way we want. We get to choose. The greatest gift we have is bringing the vibrations from the mental, or thought realm of God into an emotional reality to experience the feeling of love. Love is the foundation for the planet. Jesus came to help us find our way to holiness, love and forgiveness. You see, what goes in MUST come out. It’s the law of circulation. We are receivers of light (energy), and the nature of God is motion. We seem to have a hard time letting go of everything from each other to stuff. The objective is to learn how to let go – keep a constant state of forgiveness – this is the Christ consciousness. Our mutual goal is to find God right here, right now, in everything we see. We must believe that we are Christs and can demonstrate that reality here on earth, just as Jesus did. To unconditionally love from every level of being is being a Christ.
Do you fear God? Yes, thank God. As God is infinite, I can never know all that I am in God. Fear of God is really fear of judgment. Fear of judgment keeps man focused in pursuing his path.
What would you like to say as a parting gift? Love. It is the key, simple but true. Love unconditionally. Find a way to see that behind every demonstration is a cause, a reason. Let go and let the god that you are deal with the resistance, the struggle. You can make this happen by checking every thought, every feeling and every action emanating from your space. Beware and aware of yourselves. You create your heaven and your hell. Love who you are, you are so beautiful. (author's website

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 2008 Requested Submission and comments

Do Rancon Profits Take High Priority Over Winchester Rd Traffic Fatalities?
By Robert Peel
I was alarmed to read the Press Enterprise report on Temecula Council members profiting from ties to developers [Cashing In On Growth, December 2007]. More alarming is the shift in road priorities from the very dangerous Winchester Road to Newport Road. Is it mere happenstance that the Rancon controlled elected officials in our region assisted in the approval process for the extension of Newport Road? How would a road to nowhere benefit the area especially when Winchester Road had two deaths reported in January 2001 in separate traffic accidents?

According to reports from 1999 to 2001 police officers had investigated in excess of 100 crashes along a seven mile section of Winchester Road from Temecula’s city limits to Scott Road in Menifee. According to the California Highway Patrol, most of the traffic accidents along Winchester Road occur when the road is one lane in each direction. And since 2001, there have been more Winchester Road traffic fatalities. How then, did Newport Road become the County’s top road priority?

If you follow the money trail it ends up at Rancon headquarters in Murrieta. In 2003, Temecula council member Comerchero accepted a full time employment position with Rancon. He was charged with the responsibility of making a development project east of Menifee a reality. Getting roads at the taxpayer’s expense would allow Rancon to convert this raw Menifee farm land into a financial windfall. “This road creates access that is needed for us to sell our lots to merchant builders,” Stephenson wrote to his investors. Stephenson described the advantages of financing through a CFD that made the investors responsible for the bond debt for only a short time before it would be passed on to builders and later to homeowners. Stephenson wrote, “It means that a tremendous amount of development around our property will be accomplished at very little cost to us.” Plus, in the Press Enterprise report it was noted that County attorneys had written that issuing the bonds and building the road were“integral” to settling the lawsuit - filed by the City of Temecula in November 2003! Cashing in on growth indeed.

Comerchero, a former toy salesman, says it best, “Dan Stephenson and I had an immediate understanding of what we could do for each other. That’s what led me to being named President of Rancon”.

Political corruption has been good for many of our elected officials, but at what cost to the public? The lives of the families who lost their loved ones will never be the same. I for one am contacting the FBI for a full investigation and I encourage you to do the same.
FBI Riverside Resident Agency
3480 Vine Street Suite 200
Riverside, CA 92507

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Clinton, Nader,Bloomberg Link by Mason Weaver


Bill Clinton claimed to be from Hope, Arkansas, Jessie Jackson wants to “Keep Hope Alive,” and Obama has the “Audacity of Hope“. Has anyone noticed the call for hope, but not for experience?

Obama is a very Junior Senator who only qualifies for the Presidency by being “hopeful.“ And Hillary Clinton’s experience came from sleeping with Bill Clinton in the White House; well, who hasn’t? This political season has sparked new interest from all kinds of people across the board, so the political novice may not have noticed the prospects of the third party spoilers on the horizon. I wanted to make an observation about the effects the third party candidates will have on this election.

It is clear that New York City Mayor Bloomberg and Green Peace Party candidate Ralph Nader will change the political prospects for both the Democratic and Republican parties, but how, and for whom?

Today, Mayor Bloomberg announced that he would not seek the Presidency after two years of widespread speculation - this came on the heels of Ralph Nader’s announcement two days ago that he would seek the Presidency as a Green Party Candidate. IS THERE A LINK? Yes, there is!

Michael Bloomberg is a Democrat who changed party affiliations to run for mayor of the city of New York. He could not win as a Democrat, and he knew that his billionaire status would please the Republican Party, who develops a rash every time they need to raise cash for a strong candidate. The party leaders would sleep with a dead camel if the camel could raise his own money.

Bloomberg’s liberal policies and governmental style have not surprised most political observers; Michael Bloomberg is still a Democrat, and Senator Hillary Clinton is from New York; she loves third party candidates.

Her husband, President Bill Clinton, won his first term because of the third party candidacy of Ross Perot. The Clinton’s have never won a national election with over 50% of the votes. Hillary would need a third party candidate to help overcome her very high negatives in the polls. She would need a strong third party candidate with the resources to get on ballots in all fifty states and the money to compete in those states. This candidate would not be able to raise money from traditional donors because of the negative effect the campaign would have for the party. Mayor Bloomberg is a billionaire and would have no problem in doing both.

As long as Hillary Clinton was presumed the nominee, Mayor Bloomberg was moving closer and closer to running as a third party candidate. His potential run would certainly take votes away from the Republicans, especially if the candidate was a moderate like John McCain. Bloomberg’s run would certainly bleed support away from the Republicans and strengthen Hillary Clinton’s enough to overcome her negatives.

But as her campaign weakens and the nomination drifts out of her reach, the probability of another Democrat winning the nomination appears likely. So, the politically wise and very patient Hillary begins to look towards 2012 for a re-run to the nomination. If Barack Hussein Obama wins the Democratic nomination but loses the general election, she would be the front runner again for 2012. The weak candidacies of Edwards, Biden, and the others would fail as they have always failed. It would take another unknown candidate (perhaps another person so obscure the Clinton’s did not include them in the hundreds of FBI files they supposedly obtained on allies and rivals) to run against her.

If Obama wins, he will also run for reelection in 2012, and Senator Clinton would then need to wait until 2016 for another run, surely against Obama’s Vice President. As I have said, she is wise. What Senator Clinton needs now is not Mayor Bloomberg, because he would only help Obama win. She needs someone to help the Republicans win so she can run again in 2012. Enter stage far left, Ralph Nader.

Think about what a Ralph Nader candidacy would do to this race. He can criticize Barack Hussein Obama in ways Hillary could not. Already he has begun to take real shots at his policy. He can attack him on his liberal agenda in ways Hillary cannot touch. He does not have to apologize to the media for being insensitive; everyone knows Ralph Nader is insensitive. He also has his loyal followers who are as fanatical about their beliefs as Barack Hussein Obama’s followers are about this Utopia called “HOPE”.

Ralph Nader’s run for the Presidency only benefits one person; Hillary Clinton. Maybe she is the smartest woman in America.

Mason Weaver is a Motivational Authors & Speaker

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Registrar continues to fail the test of quality elections

The following are excerpts from a report dated February 4, 2008 by Tom Courbat of Save-R-Vote, a voter integrity group that has been actively monitoring the lack of security and lack of integrity of voting in Riverside County for two years.

"The degree of willingness of a government to open itself up to public scrutiny and public audit foretells the quality and integrity of that government."

That yellow button on Sequoia machines allows anyone to access manual mode and then they can repeatedly cast as many votes as they want. Still no locking seal on the cap that covers the yellow button. A three cent locking seal would either prevent anyone from activating the yellow button or show evidence of tampering. There are still 720 DRE units out in the precincts, with 720 locations where a voter can cast multiple votes. What is the price of security?

When will the full-blown security audit of the Registrar of Voters office be initiated, as recommended numerous times by SAVE R VOTE ? Even the Board of Supervisor’s own Blue Ribbon Committee on July 17, 2007 recommended "Consider hiring a consultant to review the Registrar of Voters security procedures."

On February 4, 2008 - An electronic voting machine sits unguarded, transportable, alongside a counter in the reception area of a local church the night before the election. The Board of Supervisors was informed by SAVE R VOTE. The continuous and flagrant lack of security of voting machines provides numerous opportunities for loss by theft or for insertion of viruses that can rig an election.

Watch for counts to be "slow". Registrars of Voters generally have nearly unlimited budgets to hire temporary workers during and after elections. If the absentee ballot counting effort has only a few workers assigned to the task, ask your Registrar of Voters "why"? There can only be one reason – to prove their claim that without e-voting machines everything would take WAY longer.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lock-step Presidential Candidates

On the topic of embryonic stem-cell research, all of the Pro-Life candidates cite one reason for being against it. They claim it is the taking of human life. There are many reasons why a fiscally conservative Republican would not vote to use tax dollars to fund such research yet only "the taking of human life" is claimed as their excuse. Is this a well thought out reason or are they just pandering for votes or in lock-step with a Party agenda? Whether you are for or against abortion later in pregnancy this embryonic stage in a petri dish should make you think a bit before you decide about the intellecual thought these candidates use to make decisions or about their honesty with voters. Romney for example, claims he changed his position on abortion after he witnessed racks of petri dishes in a laboratory. Prior to that he must have considered himself a compassionate conservative as he tells the story of being Pro-choice because of a family member who died because legal abortion was not available in her time of crisis. No one actually knows when life begins. Surely, if you are of the belief that there is a divine creator, given the very complex design of all life, then the fallopian tube, which cannot sustain the life of an embryo would not be the point at which God would begin "life". When a sperm and ova unite in the fallopian tube, cell division begins. The zygote will divide and is supposed to migrate to the womb. By design, a blastomere of a few cells is not life sustaining at this point. And if it does not migrate to the womb, the mother would die unless this embryo is taken surgically - a medical practice that no one , not even the pro-life groups, object to. Therein lies the argument that these candidates are in lock-step with an excuse for the explicit purpose of pandering for votes and Party approval. The potential for development into a life, even after migration to the womb, by design will result in miscarriages, an act of god some would say, especially when that embryo is developing abnormally. After a baby takes its first breath we can clearly define when life actually begins. Before that point in time we just do not have an answer. Somewhere in the first trimester has been a medically accepted opinion by some Republican Clubs. For example, the California Republican Party had a statement on their website in 2006, under the former chairman, that in the case of rape, if the woman reported the incident to the police within a short time then abortion should be allowed. An apparent attempt at compassionate conservatism however given the fact that rape is rarely reported because the woman is either shamed or further victimized with some level of blame for the incident, this too was not a well thought out position. As a life-long Republican, I expect more of our leadership.